Since 2017 I have been working as a body therapist at the Manuvision House in Barcelona, helping people to improve their relationships, to be more aware, to know themselves through the body, to discover their own potential and to balance themselves energetically and spiritually.
Graduated as a therapist at the Manuvision school in Barcelona and Copenhagen, and in the traditional Reiki method of Dr. Usui, in Barcelona.
I work as a Licensed Tourism Guide for Catalonia and the Balearic Islands, and also as a teacher at the Formatic Barcelona University School. I am a professional photographer and cultural manager at the University of Barcelona (UB).
If you think that the time has come to change your life and discover what is hidden in your deepest side, or you simply need to release tension, I will be delighted to receive you and accompany you.
Contact: +34 646 118 471