Manuvision Research: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Manuvision has been collaborating since 2019 on a research project, pioneer in the world, for the treatment of PTSD through body therapy. This research will mark a before and after for body therapies and we are delighted to participate in such an important event. The National Institute of Public Health at the University of Southern Denmark is investigating the effect of our body therapy treatment process on Danish war veterans with PTSD, currently under treatment at Rigshospitalet Copenhagen (Copenhagen National State Hospital). In the spring of 2022 the results will be announced.
Official site National Institute of Health (dk)
Here you can read an article from a specialized magazine about the research

What is PTSD?
PTSD is a clinical condition. It is one of the psychic responses after having experienced a traumatic event. This diagnosis constitutes a public health problem due to its high prevalence because of the disability it generates and the high health costs it implies, as it affects both the general population as well as those who have been in combat.
In PTSD, the individual experiences or witnesses an event in which injury or death occurs or there is a real threat to their own life or that of other people; in other words, events of a catastrophic nature that would themselves cause suffering and consternation in any person. The consequences of suffering these events are manifested with symptoms that include aggressive behavior, sleep problems, fatigue, anxiety and social isolation; hypervigilance or permanent alertness, persistent re-experiencing of the event, depression, nightmares, startles and clinically significant discomforts. Post-traumatic stress disorder has important consequences for veterans’ quality of life, social life, and ability to work, and therefore large socioeconomic costs as well.

In 2019, the University of Southern Denmark followed 42 war veterans with PTSD in a course of treatment at the Psychiatric Crisis and Disaster Center in Rigshospitalet (Copenhagen National State Hospital). Half of them received their usual treatment in the form of cognitive medical and psychological treatment, while the other half received treatment with body therapy, performed by Manuvision therapists.
The research results will be published in spring 2022, but the first analyzes speak for themselves: Participants who received body therapy experience a significantly greater decrease in PTSD symptoms compared to those who did not receive body therapy. Among other things, they claim to be able to participate again in daily activities, such as taking the children to school, reading bedtime stories and visiting friends again.
The treatment process for veterans who received body therapy consisted of 24 treatments over six months. Subsequently, researchers from the University of Southern Denmark have monitored the effects through quantitative and qualitative studies. Attention has focused on the effect of treatment in reducing PTSD symptoms, but equally on the tools for patients to manage symptoms themselves and how this has affected their quality of life.
Meet the team that carries out the project

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