Born in Figueres (Girona 1981). Graduated in philosophy at the Ramón Llull University and as a trainer and body therapist of the Manuvision technique in Barcelona and Copenhagen.
Physical ailments and emotional discomfort are wonderful opportunities to open up to the world and ourselves. My job is primarily to help release tension, stress and suffering, and allow a sense of relief to take its place.
I believe that all people have enormous potential and my job is to help them cross that limit or resistance that prevents us from moving forward.
I currently combine my work as a philosophy teacher, therapist and trainer. I also conduct work and body awareness courses for teachers and companies.
As the thinker S. Kierkegaard said: ‘If you take a step into the unknown you are lost for a moment, if you never take it you are lost forever’.
I am waiting for you to jump.
Contact: +34 625 730 706