Oliver Bals

Born in Germany in 1967, I grew up in Essen, later lived in Berlin until I moved to Barcelona in 1996.
At the age of 16 I became a student of a master in Chinese martial arts and this encounter deeply marked my relationship with my body and the experience of living in the world through it.
Practicing Kung-Fu, Tai-Chi and Qi-Gong I discovered conscious movement, meditation and the benefits of both for physical, mental and emotional health. I continued exploring and studied other martial arts, massage techniques, dance, yoga, climbing… – every conscious movement enriches us, makes us more human.
On a professional level, however, life took me along other paths. I graduated in architecture and – in one way or another – I always orbited around the world of design and construction.
When I received the first Manuvision treatment, I felt that everything I had experienced was here, united in one system. I decided to change course and finally build my profession out of my passion for the human body.
And here I am, disposed to accompany people with my hands, with my presence – people who want to get in touch with themselves through their body and their emotions and, together pursue liberation step by step.
Contact: +34 647 974 385